Paavo at Recent CSO Party of Note
Toasting are (from left) organist Donald Auberger, CSO maestro Paavo Järvi and special guest organist Peter Richard Conte at March 11, 2005, Party of Note.
Party of Note: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
The Cincinnati Enquirer
Sunday, March 27, 2005
"Annually, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra offers a variety of noteworthy parties for supporters. Some 50 guests were welcomed to one such Party of Note at River High, the Hyde Park home of CSO board member Melody Sawyer Richardson.
"This evening provided guests with champagne, hors d'oeuvres and a sit-down dinner created by chef Jean-Robert de Cavel. Following dinner, guests enjoyed a recital featuring River High's impeccably restored Aeolian pipe organ. The evening's featured musicians included Don Auberger, St. Boniface Church Organist, who was responsible for the restoration of this magnificent pipe organ; Eric Kim, CSO principal cellist, and Gene Berger, CSO acting assistant principal utility horn.
"Special guest organist was Peter Richard Conte, the grand court organist of the world-famous Wanamaker organ in Philadelphia's Lord & Taylor department store.
"Also present for this spectacular evening was CSO maestro Paavo Järvi."