Frampton Plays Riverbend

Rock legend and Cincinnati resident Peter Frampton will be appearing with his band and the Cincinnati Pops this Sunday night. As Janelle Gelfand writes in From pops to Pops in today's Cincinnati Enquirer,
The show evolved from an invitation from Cincinnati Symphony maestro Paavo Järvi to write a 25-minute concerto for guitar and orchestra.
"My stomach twisted all in knots when he said that," Frampton says, admitting, nevertheless, that performing with his band and orchestra is something he's always dreamed of. For now, the Pops show - that they plan to take on the road to other orchestras - is a "stepping stone" to the forthcoming concerto.
"This is definitely opening a huge door, shall we say," Frampton says.
Frampton, Pops hit right notes at Riverbend by Rick Bird, Cincinnati Post (6/26/06)
Frampton comes alive with Pops at Riverbend by Janelle Gelfand, Cincinnati Enquirer (6/26/06)