Violin superstar performs, gives master class

By Janelle Gelfand
Whenever Pinky is in town, it's an event. The Israeli violinist Pinchas Zukerman performs Bruch's Violin Concerto in G Minor with the Cincinnati Symphony and Paavo Jarvi tonight through Saturday. And on Friday afternoon, he'll be at CCM to host a master class with string students, free and open to the public.Zukerman has been in international news lately. Last month, he was invited to play the most expensive musical instrument in the world in Moscow, before an invited audience of 160. Lawyer Maxim Viktorov, a Russian collector, purchased the Guarneri del Gesu violin at Sotheby's in February for $3.9 million, a record. Until Zukerman's performance of Bach, Mozart and the last movement of the Bruch Violin Concerto, it had not been played in more than 70 years. Del Gesu violins are even more rare than the instruments made by Antonio Stradivari.
Whenever Pinky is in town, it's an event. The Israeli violinist Pinchas Zukerman performs Bruch's Violin Concerto in G Minor with the Cincinnati Symphony and Paavo Jarvi tonight through Saturday. And on Friday afternoon, he'll be at CCM to host a master class with string students, free and open to the public.Zukerman has been in international news lately. Last month, he was invited to play the most expensive musical instrument in the world in Moscow, before an invited audience of 160. Lawyer Maxim Viktorov, a Russian collector, purchased the Guarneri del Gesu violin at Sotheby's in February for $3.9 million, a record. Until Zukerman's performance of Bach, Mozart and the last movement of the Bruch Violin Concerto, it had not been played in more than 70 years. Del Gesu violins are even more rare than the instruments made by Antonio Stradivari.
Here are Zukerman's appearance details: For CSO concert information, go to
Location: Room 1630 Corbett Center for the Performing Arts, CCM Village
Admission: FREE, no reservations required